
اسباب الرهاب الاجتماعي وطرق علاجه

The causes of social phobia are largely related to the surrounding environment since the early stages of childhood, and social phobia is also linked to many internal genetic factors, so the person becomes shy of mixtures and isolated, and stays away from crowded places, and the following will talk about the most important causes of social phobia, its symptoms and methods of treatment .

What is social phobia disorder?

Social anxiety disorder is also social phobia, and it is a type of anxiety disorder that causes a person to have intense and exaggerated fear when he is in a strange social environment. While it disappears for some with age, and people with this disorder suffer from problems in conversing and exchanging conversation with others, they also find it difficult to get to know different people, and go to social events, and patients with social disorder fear the opinion of others and their views of them, and often knows Patients with social phobias claim that these fears and great confusion they feel are unreal and are closer to delusions, yet they are unable to overcome these thoughts.[1][2]

social phobia treatment

Social anxiety differs greatly from shyness, because shyness is a temporary phenomenon that disappears with the practice of social life and involvement in society, and also does not affect any of the social activities that a person engages in, while social phobia lasts for life if it is not treated, and it also affects the life of the individual. complete and hinders him from performing normal activities such as:[3]

  • Lead a normal social life such as going to work or school.
  • Building social relationships and making friends outside the family.

What are the causes of social phobia?

There is no precise and clear cause of social phobia, and scientists suggest that social phobia disorder is caused by a combination of environmental and internal factors related to heredity and genes, and that negative social experiences can play an important role in the development of this disorder, such as the following experiences:[1]

  • Being bullied by peers and ridiculing the child on a continuous basis and for his behavior and appearance.
  • The child was exposed to a disturbing or embarrassing situation that caused him great shame and fear and his inability to get over it.[4]
  • Family conflicts, which play an important role in the loss of self-confidence.
  • Sexual violence that a child may be exposed to as a result of sexual abuse.

Some physical disorders, such as the imbalance of serotonin secretion, may cause social anxiety, and serotonin is a chemical secreted by the brain and helps regulate and control mood, and the increase in the activity of a region in the brain called the amygdala, which works to regulate the human response to fears and feelings. Negativity and anxiety in human injury to injury in this disorder.[4][1]

The disorder can also be caused by inherited genes present in one of the person’s family members, but the genetic cause is not completely certain, and some weigh that social anxiety disorder can be caused by a learned behavior of a child who suffers from a parent who suffers from social anxiety disorder, Also, some parents’ behaviors that are excessively protective and controlling of the child can cause him to develop social anxiety.[4][1]

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What are the symptoms of social anxiety disorder?

A person’s interactions with his surrounding environment vary according to his personality and social experiences he has gone through, and shyness in some social situations cannot be considered a symptom of social anxiety disorder, because social anxiety disorder causes the patient to isolate from others and affects the individual’s lifestyle and makes him avoid others exaggeratedly. The main symptoms of social anxiety disorder are:

Physical symptoms of social anxiety disorder

Interacting with others or performing social behaviors in patients causes several obvious symptoms, including:[1]

  • very ashamed
  • blushing.
  • feeling nauseous
  • heavy sweating
  • shivering;
  • breathing difficulties.[4]
  • Stuttering and difficulty speaking
  • Feeling unsteady, dizzy or lightheaded
  • rapid heart rate;
  • Ideas disappear completely.[4]

Behavioral and psychological symptoms

The behavioral and psychological symptoms of social phobia include some thoughts and illusions related to social situations that are difficult for the patient to get rid of. These thoughts include:[1]

  • Intense fear, confusion and anxiety about social situations and avoidance of dealing with strangers.[4][1]
  • Feeling stressed and anxious long before a social event This feeling may last for several days or weeks.
  • Refrain from going to gatherings, events and social events, and if attendance is very necessary, the patient is satisfied with standing in neglected lines and far from the gathering center.
  • Fear of engaging in a conversation or social situation to avoid embarrassing the patient.
  • Worry about the looks of others and the thought that they are following him, and the fear of physical signs of anxiety appearing on him, such as blushing, confusion and sweating.[4]
  • The urgent need to take some sedative or alcohol to get past normal social situations.
  • Fear of signs of confusion and tension.
  • Stay away as much as possible from social events where the patient is the center of attention, such as asking a question and job interviews.[4]
  • Trying to evaluate social performance with others on a continuous basis and to maximize mistakes and think about them.[4]
  • Always expect negative outcomes in social interactions.[4]

Also, social anxiety disorder may not appear in all social situations except in the most severe cases of the disease, and in the majority of sufferers, social anxiety is selective and associated with specific situations such as anxiety about eating in front of others and staring into the eyes of the speaker or the so-called eye contact, or Anxiety about using public restrooms or worrying about talking on the phone.[1][4] As for children, the symptoms appear greatly during their interaction with the older ones or with their peers, and this appears in the form of hysterical crying attacks when seeing strangers or severe screaming and anger, excessive attachment to his parents, and unwillingness to talk while trying to communicate with him by others.[4]

Treating social phobia with medicines.. and what are the most important causes of social phobia

What are the factors that increase the risk of developing social phobia disorder?

There are several factors that increase the risk of developing social anxiety disorder, and they are as follows:[4]

  • The spread of the disease in the family, where the infection of members of the family with social phobia increases the possibility of a new member of the family contracting the same disease.
  • Negative social experiences: Studies have shown that children who have been exposed to psychological problems at a young age such as bullying, family problems, persecution and psychological trauma are highly vulnerable to social phobia.
  • The individual’s psychological state, as social anxiety is associated with psychological states such as shyness, lack of self-confidence, and poor social skills.
  • Exposure to new social situations as this helps to show signs of illness, especially when meeting new people.
  • Physical problems that increase a person’s sense of inferiority and push him to avoid seeing or talking to other people, such as deformities of the body or face, or the loss of one of the organs and others.

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What are the treatments for social anxiety disorder?

There are several types of treatment for social anxiety disorder, and the results may vary from person to person, and while some people need only one type of treatment, others need several types, and the doctor must make sure before starting treatment that social phobia is not caused by a physical problem. Treatment for social anxiety includes the following:


There are several psychological ways to treat the patient with social phobia, and all of these types focus on building the patient’s self-confidence and expelling the illusions he feels. Psychological treatment methods include:

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy helps the patient to teach him how to control anxiety and stress, help him relax, teach him skills to get rid of negative thoughts and replace them with brighter ones, and learn and practice ways of dealing with strangers in cooperation with volunteers or other patients.[1][3]

Social exposure therapy

This type of therapy is based on enabling the patient to deal with the situations they encounter rather than trying to avoid the situations and get away from them.[1]

group therapy

This type of treatment is very important and effective for patients, as it enables them to enter and engage in social situations in which other sick people reduce their feeling of being alone. It also focuses on practicing activities in front of others and giving their opinion clearly to remove the individual’s thoughts about the negative opinion of others, and contributes to overcoming it. The idea of ​​shyness from performing certain activities in front of others.[1][3]

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drug therapy

The doctor may prescribe some types of psychiatric medications for the patient, and these medications do not treat the disorder, but they contribute to alleviating its symptoms, and help the patient return to his social life, and it may take several months for the patient to feel some improvement.[1] There are three types of medications used to help treat social anxiety disorder:[3]

  • Anti-anxiety medications: They contribute to relieving the patient’s feelings of anxiety, and the dose can be changed according to the patient’s condition. These medications are very important for the elderly, but they are not given for long periods to avoid addiction.
  • Antidepressants: These medications take a certain period of time to start working, and are given in small doses and then increased gradually, and can cause some side effects.
  • Beta-blockers: These medications relieve physical symptoms such as increased heartbeat, sweating and confusion

Treatment varies from person to person and the dosage of medication as well, and treatment is often a case-appropriate combination of medication and psychotherapy. There are some side effects caused by the treatment drugs, which are:[1]

  • Headache and head pain.
  • Digestive problems such as nausea.
  • Intestinal disturbances.
  • difficulty sleeping
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • lack of appetite

Types of mental illness and addiction treatment

Home remedy for social anxiety

Home remedies include some practices that can contribute to alleviating the symptoms of the disease, including:[1]

  • Completely stay away from caffeinated drinks because they increase anxiety, such as coffee, chocolate, soft drinks and other stimulants that increase anxiety.
  • Get an adequate number of hours of sleep, and it is preferable to get at least eight hours of sleep per day, because the lack of sufficient hours of sleep in the body can increase anxiety and other symptoms of social anxiety.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat healthy foods.
  • Ask for support from close people and family when you feel an urgent need for support, because this helps the patient to relax and increase his confidence in others.

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How to overcome social anxiety

Self-help to overcome social anxiety is very important to the success of other types of treatment, and the most important ways to confront and overcome anxiety are the following:[5]

  • Try to understand and treat the causes of anxiety, train oneself to deal with social situations, and understand the causes of stress when meeting others.
  • Trying to evaluate thoughts about situations, paying attention to dominant thoughts, which are often incorrect, and not trying to predict the outcome of situations.
  • Trying to focus attention on other things in daily life and noticing that the whole life is moving forward, and there are many details that may not interest people while the patient thinks they are busy with them.
  • Practicing fearful activities for the patient by trying to gradually integrate into those social situations, starting with small goals and constantly progressing to try to eliminate all suspicions and fears about the opinion of others.

At the conclusion of the article, it was found out what are the most important causes of social phobia, and it was found that the causes of social phobia are often a mixture of psychological and social causes in addition to internal structural causes, and the most important symptoms of this disorder, how to treat it and ways to overcome and deal with it were identified. .

the reviewer

  • ^ healthline.com , Social Anxiety Disorder , 5/12/2021
  • ^ nhs.uk , Social anxiety (social phobia) , 5/12/2021
  • ^ nimh.nih.gov , Social Anxiety Disorder: More Than Just Shyness , 5/12/2021
  • ^ mayoclinic.org , Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) , 5/12/2021
  • ^ hse.ie , Social anxiety (social phobia) , 5/12/2021