The basics of designing a book cover are very important at a stage of book production, as a good book must have a good and distinctive cover that expresses the content within it, and attracts the reader to it in a symbolic and significant way. The book cover design has many rules and basics that should be known in order to reach the ideal book cover design. In this article, the reference site will show you the basics of book cover design and a set of distinctive ideas that you can use.
book cover design basics
The cover of the book consists of a front side that usually contains the title, the name of the author and the design as basic parts, a spine in the middle, and a back side that contains important information about the book that we will present to you in the following, as it is known that readers shop with their eyes, they are looking for familiarity, but in At the same time they long for the surprise of something new; They want a book they’ll be proud to carry on the subway or read. While many books are published each year, only a few are highlighted. A good book design should make it clear that the pages within the book are worth the reader’s time and attention. In the following, we will list the most important principles of book cover design: [1]
Give a look at the content of the book
When it comes to how much your cover should offer you need to think about it from the perspective of the reader; It is neither too much nor too little, but just moderate enough. When a potential reader picks up your book, they should at least get a general framework of what they can expect between the front and back cover. Your cover design should hint at the general theme and story without revealing any major plot details, and by giving potential readers a preview, you direct them to the information they need to make a decision on whether a book is worth investing in.
Indicate the type of book
In addition to giving readers an accurate preview of your outline, your cover should also convey the type of book clearly; While many people like to have a little variety on their bookshelves, most people prefer one or two types of books over book types. If someone picks up your book expecting a miserable novel, but then reads the book’s description and realizes it’s a collection of humorous articles, they won’t buy it.
Provide a glimpse of the protagonist in the novel
Readers have to feel connected to the protagonist in order to feel compelled to read the story. If you can establish a connection with your protagonist before the reader opens your book, the next book purchaser will feel the prior satisfaction and desire to learn more about the book’s content and the protagonists. You can use the book cover design to start building that connection; whether publicly; Like adding an image or illustration of your main character, or as subtle as a visual hint to a large part of his character. By using the book cover you will be able to start building the relationship between your main character and the reader by attracting the type of audience who will want to hear the story of the protagonist.
Follow the design rules in a way that suits the type of book
A good book cover design is not a guessing game, rather there is a very specific set of rules and guidelines to follow if you want to create anything well designed, from a T-shirt to a website to a book cover. For example, you should use fonts that are appropriate for the type of book and that they are easy to read, and the text hierarchy can be used to emphasize the important text on the cover of the book, such as the title of the book, and create a contrast between the background and text colors to make it stand out from the page and attract the readers’ attention. This topic utilizes the psychology of color to elicit correct emotional responses from readers.
Attention to detail
Details tell the difference between looking like a hobbyist or having a book cover design that automatically makes readers assume you’re a seasoned professional, it’s the details that really give you the opportunity to take your design to a whole new level. Details are things like lighting, shading, image processing, image arrangement, text hierarchy, and layers.
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How to design a book cover
A well-designed book cover is important because it serves as the face of the book and encourages readers to buy it. A book cover uses design elements such as color, font, images, or illustrations to reflect key themes relevant to the text, and help readers understand more about what it is about. When designing a book, there are a set of basic points that must be adhered to in order for the design to be professional. We list them for you as follows: [2]
Understand the elements of the cover
The book cover consists of three mandatory parts: the front cover and the back cover, attached to the spine of the book. The pages of the paper book are glued together with a paperback and then cut to size. The hardcover pages are then sewn or glued to a “case” made of cardboard and then It is covered with a piece of cloth or paper. The paperback wraps around the book and includes inserts on both sides.
When you open a hardcover book and see colored or printed pages glued to the boards, you’re looking at the end sheets, which are a nice extra set of pages that designers can use to join the parts of the book together. On many printers, there are many premium options available, including thick paper weights, linen-coated paperboard, paper stamping, varnish, and embossing; These options add high value to your design but also increase the cost of the book.
Search the market
Consider some guidelines based on the genres on the market. Some genres sell better in paperbacks, while literary novels, thrillers, and biographies sell well in hardcover; Whereas, if it is a book that the reader might take on a plane or to the beach, it should be a paperback, while some bookstores prefer hard covers. Also, be mindful of the price point, so don’t design hardbacks with a high value compared to similar books.
Choose a design direction
It’s important to think about the direction of your design and how it will fit into the author’s vision. There are plenty of great books out there, but not all designs are appropriate for all books, so consider input from the author or publisher. Create a board of similar titles with successful covers and book bundles. Then go to your local bookstore and handle books to learn about different paper thicknesses and materials. Take notes of your likes and dislikes; So that this information can be useful later in the design process.
Find out what design needs to emphasize
If the book is similar to a hugely successful book, consider ways you can subtly conjure that title without creating a cheap copy. Perhaps the author is considering writing a sequel or plans to build the title into a string, in which case you have to think about how to link future titles in the design to the first in order to build the author’s brand. If the author is known, the most powerful marketing element may be his name, but for the rest of the authors the book must stand alone and make an impression among its competitors on the bookshelf.
Choose graphics and fonts
One of the great things about book covers is that there is almost no graphic style that can’t work, every book has the potential to be used in a wide number of designs, and the designer’s job is to create a cover that represents all the wonderful worlds their pages make. The downside is that having a particular style can be challenging, book covers can have a photo, illustration, or abstract design, they can showcase everything from cartoonish doodles to stark modern typography.
Consider the message the graphic style sends to the mind of book buyers, soft lines and natural settings are often used in women’s literature while vintage photographs refer to the historical setting. The same goes for lines; The writer has to choose the appropriate font for the era in which the book is set, for example, a thin and beautiful book cover font may work for a book set for a dramatic novel, but fail completely in a non-fiction book about the Civil War.
collect comments
Sometimes a great cover isn’t a great cover for a particular book. The more eyes you have on the design, the better you will be able to assess whether the cover is sending the right message to a wide audience. Start with your own judgment and then turn to the author. You can let strangers sample the cover and then ask them their assumptions about the book. If the cover shows a child, they might ask, “Is this novel narrated by a child?” They may eventually indicate that the design looks funny or heartbreaking.
Check the printer settings
The final file for the book project will be a single flat file containing all relevant graphic and text information for the front and back covers, spines, and panels (if your project has them). The printer will want this as one wide file that they can print out and cut or fold to fit the finished book. Most printers prefer higher quality PDF files while others use them. ai or . eps. Also all colors must be CMYK for printing.
Printers need to go beyond the full margins of the cover file, which means that all images or items go beyond the trim line and leave no white margin. Every printer is different, so it’s best to contact the printer directly to make sure your file is set up perfectly. Even a small miscalculation can cause text to not be printed on the spine and rotated on the front or back cover instead.
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book cover design ideas
We need a lot of distinctive and creative ideas so that the book cover design is distinctive and indicative of the content in a simple and symbolic way, knowing that the design of the book differs according to the type of book. The design of scientific books is completely different from the design of a cookbook, for example. You can use it: [3]
- Use colors: Colors create focal points in compositions and also highlight certain elements of your choice. In this example, the use of red draws our attention to the glow of the color. Red is a strong color, and in this particular design, we feel the passion for that bright color rising across the page. Think about the meanings different colors have and how highlighting a single meaning in your design can support your book.
- Get creative: Allow yourself to come up with a place to put things on the page, and know that there’s no standard way to design your book cover, so try ways to make your design as unique as the content inside. If you look at the following example, you will see that placing the address in a text box directly above the man’s eyes is a nice gesture in order to maintain his confidentiality. As well as his gesture, lighting only half of his face. It doesn’t take much to make a compelling stylistic choice; The goal is to create something that stands out and speaks for your book.
- Display engaging images: Photography is an excellent tool for creating a cover that captures the reader’s attention, sparks their curiosity, and inspires them to open and dive into the book. The image in the following example of tides not only fits the print of the title, but also brings us to thinking about the depths of the ocean. When it comes to photos, use the full cover to display stunning photographs or illustrations to create a great cover.
- Use glyphs: You can take a simpler approach and still use images, so that the image does not need to occupy the entire lid, but can serve well as a complement to the overall design. While the paper is graphically interesting, it only leads us to read the title of the book as a focal point.
- Choose pictures that affect your audience: As the old saying goes, a picture is worth 1,000 words, meaning that pictures can convey feelings much more than words can, so explore the type of pictures that can speak for you on the cover of your book. The following example is affecting an audience interested in design and architecture, as this staircase is cropped in a way that represents the golden ratio, an important tool in art. Get to know your audience and choose the image that captures their attention.
- Display Icons and Graphics as Pictures: There are many forms of photography, with photographs being one of them. In addition to illustrations, paintings, drawings, and even icons, each medium has its strengths in communicating certain messages. These digital photo options work well for creating modern and simple designs, their size and color can be easily modified for consistency, and when added with the title and author it makes for a great composition and paints a clear picture of what the book has to offer.
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book cover components
While there are three components of a printed book: front cover, back cover, and spine, our focus is usually on the front cover of a book as this applies to both print and digital formats. The front cover of the book should include a set of elements as follows:
- The basic elements of a book cover: They are the following elements:
- Title.
- author.
- Design.
- The basic elements of a book cover: They are the following elements:
- Subtitle of the book.
- Brief review or quote.
- Publication details.
Ready book cover design software
Often times we need to design a book quickly, especially if we do not have enough experience in designing book covers or this is our first experience, and in this case ready-made programs can help, so you only have to choose the appropriate template for the cover you want And then fill in the fields for the information needed for the cover, such as the title of the book, the author’s name, and any other notes that can be added. And you can “from here” design your book cover with ease.
At the conclusion of this article, we have listed for you the most important basics of designing a book cover in detail, in addition to the steps of designing a book, the most important ideas for design, and an easy-to-use program that can be used when designing the appropriate book cover.