سلطنة عمان

mega goal 1.3 write short replies to your friends emails

Write short replies to your friends’ emails. Use need + to be or get/have + a past participle.

مرحبا بكم جميعاً في موقع مكساوي لنشر اجابات صحيحة لأسئلة المناهج الدراسية.
في هذا المقال سنقدم لكم اعزائنا الطلاب الاجابة الصحيحة لسؤال الفقرة (Write short replies to your friends’ emails. Use need + to be or get/have + a past participle) من كتاب نشاط الصف الأول الثانوي، الفصل الدراسي الثالث، الوحدة الأولى Complaints , Complaints. تابع قراءة المقال أدناه للاطلاع على الاجابة الصحيحة لهذا السؤال.

Write short replies to your friends’ emails. Use need + to be or get/have + a past participle

First one

To : [email protected]
Subject: help! computer crash!

I’m in big trouble. I have to submit my science paper
tomorrow and my new laptop has crashed! Can you
believe it? Why does this have to happen now? I
don’t know what to do.

اجابة هذه الفقرة:

I’m sorry to hear your laptop has crashed. You need to have it checked by a technician or better still you need to have it replaced. I’ll be over in ten minutes to help.

Second one

To : [email protected]
Subject : need help for job interview

I have an interview for a summer job at the library in
the morning and my jacket sleeve is torn. This is the
only conservative jacket that I have. I don’t want to
miss the interview, but I want to look presentable.
Should I buy a new jacket? I’m not sure any stores are
open now. Any ideas?

اجابة هذه الفقرة :

No, I’m afraid there are no open stores at this time but you can have it fixed very quickly. I’ll give you a ring as soon as I get the address and tell you where to go.

وفي الأخير وصلنا واياكم إلى نهاية هذا الموضوع من موقع مكساوي الذي قدمنا لكم فيه اجابة سؤال Write short replies to your friends’ emails. Use need + to be or get/have + a past participle.
من كتاب الصف الأول الثانوي، الفصل الدراسي الثالث، الوحدة الأولى.

mega goal 1.3 write short replies to your friends emails

اجابة هذه الفقرة:Hi,No, I’m afraid there are no open stores at this time but you can have it fixed very quickly. I’ll give you a ring as soon as I get the address and tell you where to go.